How to Back Up Call Manager

You’ll be glad to know that backing up your Call Manager cluster is very easy. Heres how to do it.

You will need:

  • An SFTP Server with access to the directory you wish to backup to
  • Call Manager node(s) with full connectivity to above SFTP server (make sure this is allowed through your firewall)

Configure Call Manager to Backup to your SFTP Server

Sign in to the Call Manager Disaster Recovery System

Navigate to Backup > Backup Device > Add New

Here we need to add the following information:

Host name/IP address: The address of your SFTP server

Path name: The specific directory you want to backup to on the server (leave as / for root)

User name: Your SFTP Username

Password: Your STFP Password

You can also configure the number of backups you would like to keep in total on the server.

Save your settings, and now we move on to the next step.

Making a Backup Schedule

Still being in the Call Manager Disaster Recovery Screen, head over to Backup > Scheduler.

Here we have the following configurable options:

Schedule Name: Here we can give our schedule a name, something to indicate how often it may run, or what is backs up perhaps.

Select Backup Device: Here we can select the Backup Device we configured in the previous step. This will be our SFTP server.

Select Features: Here we can choose which features we want to back up. If you are not sure, the section beneath this will show us a table with all available features which can be backed up to help us make our choice.

Backup Time: Pretty self explanatory. The time and date you want to start your backup at.

Backup Frequency: Once the Backup Time above has been configured, we can set the frequency so it backs up daily, weekly (on days of your choice) or even monthly.


You have now set up your Call Manager to back up on a schedule.


It is worth pointing out there we have some extra tools used for housekeeping our backups.

We can check the backup history by navigating to Backup > History

If, for some reason we need to perform a manual backup outside of any schedule, we can do so by going to Backup > Manual Backup

Lastly, we can check the status of our latest backup by checking Backup > Current Status



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